Posted by d.s.v

I saw it last month, but I thought 1st July is celebrated as “TRAFFIC VIOLATION FREE” Day. But today on my way to office when I saw these PLACARDS again, I asked the cop standing carrying a sandwich ad. He replied that this was a new initiative taken by the Hyderabad Traffic Police in spreading awareness regarding the traffic Rules.

Hmmm.. I couldn’t stop giggling. Back to my office I explained the reasons to one of my colleagues. Here they go:-

First of all, we all are aware of the Traffic Rules. Aren’t we? We just don’t give them a damn. After all we are living in a democratic country yaar. We have that right to drive as we wish.

The other thing is that we cannot curb this Traffic menace by being very soft to the violators. You just can’t give a rose to the violator saying “thank you for breaking the rule”. Was Kamaudi (Traffic Commissioner, Hyderabad City) inspired from Munnabhai? May be or may not be. The fact is that we need to get harsh on them. Serious punishments have to be imposed.

During my MBA classes I was taught about NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT. Why that model cannot be applied here. After all we are making the offender not to repeat the offence he has made, right?

The other thing which I have noticed is that these constables are not serious about the work they are doing. I was asked to mind my own business when I pinpointed a guy who was violating the rule just in front of the constable. Even if the constable gets hold of that guy, he manages to win over him in a verbal duel. So if you are too soft to them, will they able to realize their responsibilities of proper citizenship? I don’t think so.

We are just worried about our own transport and really don’t care how we do that

It will take years or to be more specific decades in improving our road infrastructure, and millions of generations to improve the mindset of citizens.

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